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How To Get Out Of a Depression Funk?

Getting out of a depression funk can be incredibly challenging. We’d like to share a list of tips and tricks to help you regain control!

How To Get Out Of Depression Funk

Having a bad day or week can be a completely natural response to stressful or emotional triggers. However, should these feelings exceed a few days without any improvement, you may be experiencing a depression funk. 

This funk often feels like you have no motivation or energy, causing you to be unproductive with a low mood. These feelings negatively impact daily routines to further disturb your lifestyle, which may lead to poor hygiene, decreased mental performance, and a lack of communication with both friends and family.

A depression funk can push you down a rabbit hole of negativity and is a clear sign of clinical depression. Getting out of this funk can be incredibly challenging, especially if you are doing it by yourself. Fortunately, there are ways to regain control over these low and bad moods, with some making a difference in just a few minutes!

The most important factor to consider is your mindset. When battling a mental illness and experiencing a depressive funk, research shows that you are more likely to feel tired. 

This exhaustion and lack of motivation can result in physical withdrawal from social affairs, with sleeping throughout the day and night at the forefront of your desires.

Due to this, getting out of a funk requires mental discipline. Physical activity and action inspire motivation, rather than motivation causing productivity. As such, try to carry out tasks without thinking too much about them first. This prevents low motivation from taking over and forces you to overcome it by taking immediate action. When motivation is low, the only way to increase it is to act.

Naturally, this is easier said than done, particularly if you’re facing major depression. Taking action might be the last thing you want to do when you’re in a funk, and trying to become productive is often the hardest step when the urge to sleep is strong.

At Prairie Health, we recognize this struggle. To get out of your depression funk, we have compiled this list of tips and tricks to help you regain control.

Tips on How to Get Out of a Depression Funk 

As challenging as it may be, there are ways to fight against a depression funk. Sometimes, it may take a few days before you realize that you are in one.

Understanding the symptoms of clinical depression is the first step to knowing when you’re experiencing a funk! This will reassure you that your current low mood is not a reflection of who you are, but simply a symptom of a more serious mental health condition. 

When you recognize these behaviors, they are easier to fix. Try implementing the following tips and tricks into your lifestyle to get out of, and avoid a depression funk.

Eat a Healthy Diet 

The health benefits of eating a nutritious diet surpass physical changes. A healthy balance of fruits, vegetables, fats, and carbohydrates can significantly affect your mind and body in the same way that a poor diet can. When you’re experiencing depression, trying to eat healthily may be the last thing on your mind.

However, research suggests that those who regularly eat foods high in sugar, fat, and refined carbohydrates, such as processed and fried foods, are more likely to suffer from poor mental health. These foods can cause a bad mood and leave you feeling blue despite any temporary sugar rush.

Therefore, to get out of a depression funk, try to opt for healthy foods that provide a blend of nutrients. Food should be consumed at regular intervals, and we recommend not skipping meals in order to build your energy levels. You should also limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol when in a funk. 

Get Adequate Sleep 

Getting adequate quality sleep is essential as a depressive episode can cause severe undersleeping or oversleeping. 

Sleep affects every aspect of your life, and a lack of sufficient sleep will have a heavy impact on the regular functioning of your body, as well as your mental clarity. 

Most adults need between 6 to 9 hours of sleep every night to re-energize the body and strengthen their immune system.

Exercise (or Go Outside/Get Active)

Exercising for as little as 15 minutes can instantly boost your mood! If you exercise daily, then symptoms of several mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, are likely to decrease in severity. 

Just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise can decrease levels of cortisol in the body, reducing stress and uplifting your mood. Great exercises to try include swimming, dancing, and walking!

Get Some Sunlight 

Spending time in sunlight triggers your body’s natural production of serotonin, which is responsible for stabilizing your mood and increasing mental well-being. 

Additionally, sunlight is a great source of vitamin D for deeper sleep and immune system support.

Socialize With Loved Ones  

If you are clinically depressed, you will know that social withdrawal can cause you to pull away from friends and family members without even realizing it. 

As humans are social creatures, isolating yourself can have a detrimental impact on your mental health. Though it may be difficult, it is crucial to find and maintain a strong support system to help you through these tough times.

Try meeting people by scheduling dates, plans, or events to go to together. If this seems overwhelming and anxiety-inducing, a phone call with a friend can still help!

Make New Connections 

Meeting new people and learning their stories is a fantastic source of inspiration. Though everyone is facing their own battle, without open communication, you may feel like you’re the only one struggling.

Talking to new people can easily be the first step to getting over your funk. Whether this person is the flower lady you walk past or the local cafe’s barista, everyone has a story, and maybe theirs can help you through yours. 


Meditation induces inner calm, with peaceful thoughts and increased concentration. If done effectively, it can even lead to joy! Should you practice meditation often, you may receive heightened senses and feelings of tranquility. 

You don’t need to be an expert at this as meditation is a simple practice. Try to encourage feelings of gratefulness, while listening to your mind or body, and giving it the rest it needs.

Clean Your Surroundings 

An organized environment leads to organized thoughts. During a depressive funk, it is easy for household chores and personal hygiene to be cast aside. Whether you clean an area of your room or your whole house, a tidy space will provide you with the push you’ve been looking for to get up and do something.

Even if you’re not completely free of your funk, having a clean area can aid productivity by providing a safe space for you to work, learn or relax.

Create Something 

People who have a hard time communicating verbally may find it easier to express themselves in creative ways. These creative outlets can include painting, playing music, journaling, making playlists, gardening, writing poetry, or cooking. This will engage your mind in something other than negative thoughts, and help you to feel slightly more productive.  

Be Kind to Yourself 

It’s important to remember that the way you feel is not your fault. You are not responsible for feeling this way, so don’t treat yourself like the perpetrator of these negative thoughts. During this time, be patient with your mind and care for your body.

Look after yourself how you would take care of the person you love the most. Try pamper nights, with hot baths, books, and your favorite tea, or perhaps you would rather binge a Netflix show while cuddling a pet. Think of times when you have felt most at peace or happy, and try to incorporate those activities into your lifestyle more often.


Getting out of a depression funk may be hard work at first, but the results are worth it. You will need to be patient and understanding with yourself, however frustrating it may be. It is important that you can remain balanced in terms of self-discipline and self-care, as on many occasions, self-discipline is the ultimate form of self-care.

If your depression funk is not easing up, be sure to check out the Prairie Blog for more information on a range of mental health topics, as well as how we can help you to feel like yourself again.

Also, consider booking a free consultation with Prairie Health. You can discuss your feelings confidentially and collaborate to find a personalized treatment plan.

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Thu Oct 28 2021

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